Our 2025 Holiday Wishlist!

This holiday season, as you get ready to exchange gifts with your loved one, why not explore the our Amazon Wishlist and help us make next year’s holiday unforgettable?

Every year, after the completion of our holiday, our team compiles a list of essentials to support our holiday-makers and volunteers alike during the next SuperTroop holiday.

Some examples of what you could get us

Everyone loves a good arts & crafts sessions, why not consider helping us by having a look at the crafting materials on our wishlist?

During a SuperTroop holiday, bubbles are a MUST! Check out our wishlist to see all the products we need to make our 2025 holiday bubble-full.

Get us a present that would ensure that our holiday-makers are able to have fun, while staying safe.

Without our amazing volunteers there are no holidays. On our wishlist you will also find some presents for them.

Thank you for your interest in supporting our holidays!
If you have any queries about our wishlist, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Or check out our Support Us page, to find more info on other ways you can help us.

SuperTroop September?

SuperTroop September?

SuperTroop September is our new community challenge push to raise funds for SuperTroop! SuperTroop September is for everyone! Whether you are a sports enthusiast, an elite cyclist, or just want to take on a fun challenge within your community. We’ve included some ideas for fundraising - but you’re welcome to come with your own ideas - plus all the information you should need to get going…