We are a Edinburgh-based charity, launched in 2017. So far we’ve held five residential summer holidays, hosted at Fettes College
“Anna now wants to start tennis as she enjoyed it so much at SuperTroop”
“It was one of the best quality time we all had in ages without having to worry about Haamid’s care”
Our achievements
In July 2018, we held our first ever SuperTroop holiday, followed ever since* by annual, successful, residential weeks. Whether you welcomed us to our venue, organised an activity or performed us, helped to recruit families, fund-raised, or donated to our cause, we are indebted to your support in making our first holiday a major success!
*apart from a year with no holiday in 2020…
You can read reports on the holidays, including family and volunteer feedback, on this page.
“My daughter had the best time ever being with
friends her own age and doing different things
away from the everyday life challenges”
“I was very nervous about leaving my son with people I hardly knew and the fact that the helpers were so young did concern me but I’m delighted to say I was completely wrong!”
Our Mission
Our holidays have been a huge success and we’re incredibly proud of what we achieved. Soon, we want to grow our organisation to provide more marvellous holidays to more fantastic young people. The first step is to establish our model, embedding best practice and nurturing expertise within the team. We will use what we’ve done at Fettes to build a replicable system for recruiting and training volunteers, selecting and preparing holiday-makers, and establishing new holidays at new host sites.
“Thanks to the combined expertise of our volunteer managers, we have a unique opportunity to make a new and valuable contribution to the local Edinburgh & Lothians community in providing specialist holidays for young people who don’t often get a chance to go away without their families””