Intro to supertroop

Check out our Introduction to Supertroop. This was written before our first holiday took place and provides a brief outline of our vision.

You might also like to read this letter sent to families shortly before the 2018 holiday, which answers a few common questions and gives a sense of what to expect.

We developed a few resources to help explain how the holiday would operate in summer 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes our Covid Charter, and this video explained how the holiday would operate in 2021.

Covid-19 info

Check out our Family Journey - this provides a summary of how we select holiday-makers to come on the week, and what parents can expect before, during and after the holiday.

Here is the packing list for the 2021 holiday .

This is the social story for 2021, which gives holiday makers a sense of what to expect on their first day on a SuperTroop holiday

Here’s a sample outline timetable which shows, in basic symbols, what we get up to during the holiday.

Here’s our holiday-maker guide which aims to provide an easy-to-read account of the holiday and our policies and procedures. We want to try to give our holiday-makers the information they need about their rights on the week, as well as what to expect day-to-day.

holiday basics for families

Privacy statement

This is the SuperTroop privacy statement specifically for families.